Friday, April 16, 2010

True Diary


True Diary
My first impression of Junior is that he likes to stay close to home, he has a great attitude about all of his health problems and he doesn’t let that get in the way of his everyday life. Junior sees himself as a tall capital L shaped boy and his head so big that little Indian skulls orbit around it. People on the rez see Junior as a retard. I never owned a diary. I think Junior keeps a diary because it’s his way of expressing his feelings. My life boat is my daughter, my husband because life wouldn’t be the same without them and myself because I am strong willed, determined, motivated and love life. The quote I chose is “And you’re a bright and shining star, too,” he said. “You’re the smartest kid in the school. And I don’t want you to fail. I don’t want you to fade away. You deserve better.” (Found on pg. 40) I liked this quote because Junior’s teacher Mr. P believes in Junior and he wants him to make something of himself.